How to Repair Asphalt Shingled Roofs

6 years ago

While cleaning out your roof gutters did you notice a large amount of granules in them? If so, you may have a potential roofing problem in the making.

As asphalt shingles wear they tend to shed the granules that make up their top layer and thus become more prone to leaks.

Thankfully asphalt shingles are one of the easier types of roofing materials to repair. What follows is basic information on how to repair asphalt shingled roofs.

Materials Needed:

  • Galvanized roofing nails
  • Hammer
  • Flat shovel
  • Ruler and a pencil
  • Roofing cement
  • Replacement shingles
  • Pliers
  • Metal Flashing
  • Industrial scissors
  • Putty knife

A Word about the Weather

Asphalt shingle work is best done on a fairly warm day only because the heat makes the asphalt shingles more pliable.

Asphalt shingle repair instructions

As you are up on the roof look for any curled, worn, loose, misaligned, missing or otherwise damaged asphalt shingles.

Use roofing cement and nails to flatten, secure and realign any shingles that are in need of attention.

In the case of a curled asphalt shingle you may need to apply firm pressure or use a weight to hold the shingle down until the roofing cement has a chance to properly take hold.

If during the course of your roof investigation you discover missing and severely damaged shingles you will need to replace them with either a new asphalt shingle or a piece of metal flashing.

Asphalt Shingle Replacement Instructions

Replacing an asphalt shingle is a fairly easy task. Begin by taking out your flat shovel and slipping it under the asphalt shingle that needs replacing.

Next pull up on the shovel thus loosing the nails that are holding the asphalt shingle into place.

Once the nails have been loosed, pull them completely out of the shingle using your pliers.

Measure and cut the amount of shingle needed for the replacement. Slide the new piece of asphalt shingle up under the shingle located directly above the space left vacant by the damaged shingle.

Make sure you align the asphalt shingle properly so that it is in perfect harmony with the other asphalt shingles.

Afterward, drive new galvanized nails through the holes left by the nails that you removed previously.

If you are unable to reuse the old nail holes, make sure that you seal them completely with roofing cement before making new nail holes.

Once the asphalt shingle has been nailed into place, take out your putty knife and roofing cement. Use the putty knife to apply roofing cement to the nail heads and any loose parts of the shingle.

Proceed by applying pressure to the cemented areas to help the cement to take hold.

Instructions for Using Flashing Patches

In some instances you may want to use a piece of roofing flashing to help support a damaged asphalt shingle. If this is the case, follow the steps above but substituting the asphalt shingle with the metal flashing.

Additional Information

This article is not meant to be a replacement for the assistance of a professional. In fact, this article was a collective effort submitted by a roofer.

Therefore, those homeowners that are afraid of heights, or have questions and concerns, should consult with a local, licensed roofer. You can check this website The Roof Clinic if in case you need one, don’t be afraid to ask for assistance.

Anyone attempting the above roof repair does so at one’s own risk. No warranties or guarantees of a successful asphalt shingled roof repair are expressed or implied herein.
