Health reasons to have aircon in your home in Toowoomba

5 years ago

Most homes in Toowoomba have air conditioners as a way to stay comfortable even on the hottest days. Yet, air conditioning can be a medical necessity instead of a luxury when you have health issues.

The following health reasons can make you become aware of the importance an Aircon Toowoomba can do for you and your home.


Age 50 and over

People seldom feel thirsty when they hit the age of 50 or above. If you are 50 or over, dehydration can happen and put you at risk of heatstroke when you go outside to work in the sun. You can also become quickly dehydrated even inside a home that is not air-conditioned.

The temperature of the interior of your home can quickly increase when the outside temperature is 100 degrees F. The soaring outside temperature can rapidly cause dehydration if you’re not drinking enough fluids.

These factors put you at high risk for heatstroke and stress. Having an air conditioner in your home is one of the best ways to combat heat stroke and dehydration during the scorching hot days.

Being elderly will make it harder for you to realise that you are already dehydrated. Your body finds it tough to feel cool with the lethal combination of high humidity, hot temperature, and a home with no air conditioner.

Sweat evaporation is normally the way for the body to cool off. This is fine as long as you are not dehydrated and suffering from heatstroke. However, the dangerous level of 103 degrees F and more can happen to your body’s temperature if you can’t cool down. This puts you at high risk of suffering from heatstroke.


Existing heart conditions

The medications you take for your existing hypertension or heart ailment can cause complications when the temperature of your home becomes too hot. Your heartbeat is slowed by beta-blockers, limiting the ability of the heart to quickly circulate blood as a way to give off excess heat.

Frequent urination brought on by diuretics will quickly worsen dehydration. When this happens, the increased blood flow to your skin will make your blood pressure drop. This puts you at great risk to feel dizzy and fall.

Not having an air conditioner in your home during the hot season will not be able to pull moisture from the air of the home. You will experience the difficulty of breathing with the excess moisture caused by the combination of the high temperature outside and the hot interior of the home.

Your heart undergoes great stress when exposed to this kind of environment. If you have already experienced a heart attack, the hot interior of the home can prevent your heart from adequately pumping blood to lower the body’s temperature.



There are several ways a hot home can affect your condition as a diabetic. Your body undergoes great stress as it tries to cool off. The extra stress happening in your body also prevents the insulin to work effectively. It follows that the inadequate insulin dose will quickly shoot up the levels of your blood sugars.


The takeaway


The above health issues make you understand that it is important to install an air con unit in your Toowoomba home. Investing in an air conditioning unit becomes doubly important when you are suffering from any of these health conditions.


